Budget Snapshot

Here’s what we’re doing for SA Families

Expanding Sports Vouchers

Have kids at home? I have some good news! We’ve allocated $54.6 million over four years to expand the sports vouchers program from 1 January 2025 and address the cost of children participating in sport and recreation activities, supporting the participation of around 100 000 children.

The sports vouchers program currently provides a discount of up to $100 each calendar year on sport, dance, learn to swim or scouts/guides fees for South Australian children from Reception to Year 9.

This initiative will double the number of $100 vouchers from 1 to 2 per year per child or allow parents to claim a $200 deduction on sport and recreation fees for the one activity.

But that’s not all - vouchers will also be expanded to include music lessons as an eligible activity.

As Assistant Minister for Junior Sport Participation I am so pleased that we’ve announced a measure that helps support cost of living while also encouraging more kids to get off their screens and out and active in their community.

$1.9 billion for Early Childhood Services and Support

We are investing an additional $1.9 billion over the period to 2032-33, with the reforms intended to:

  • give every child access to quality teacher-led early childhood education from the age of three years

  • make it easier for families to access early childhood services, and help caregivers back into the workforce

  • improve learning and development outcomes for children.

$715 million over five years to implement key reform initiatives. The reforms consist of seven core elements that together are designed to achieve the government’s ambitious target to reduce developmental vulnerability from 23.8 to 15 per cent over 20 years:

  • $339.7 million over five years to deliver universal 3-year-old preschool in government and non-government settings, including long day care centres.

    The new preschool model for 3 and 4-year-olds will include a teacher-led, quality play-based preschool learning and development program, up to 15 hours per week.

    The funding will support early identification of each child’s needs and bring together education, allied health and other supports, particularly for children with identified developmental issues. There will also be investment in better connecting children and families into early childhood services.

    To ensure sufficient capacity for 3-year-old preschool a combination of direct investment in government preschool, as well as support for other providers, is required.

  • $127.3 million over four years to increase the minimum 15 hours to 30 hours of preschool for 2 000 children at greatest risk of developmental vulnerability at age 3 and 4 in local settings and integrated hubs.

    This includes the creation of integrated hubs to be co-designed with local communities, opening progressively over the life of the reform, including two initial demonstration hubs opening in late 2025.

  • $96.6 million over four years including a $56 million early childhood workforce development fund and support for quality teaching and learning in readiness for universal preschool delivery.

    The Early Childhood Workforce Strategy will be released in mid-2024. Funding will also support the Education Standards Board to increase the frequency of assessment and ratings.

  • $96.1 million over four years to support the Office for Early Childhood Development in its role as system steward of the early childhood development system in South Australia.

    This includes the creation of local teams across the state to mobilise government and non-government services in every community to deliver quality preschool and support service integration, implementation research and strengthening data systems.

  • $30.6 million over four years to align the support offered through 4-year-old preschool with the enhanced support framework being developed for 3-year-old preschool, including bringing together education, allied health and other specialist supports.

    This will be introduced in line with the roll out of 3-year-old preschool and will ensure children that receive supports as a 3-year-old continue to receive those supports through 4-year-old preschool, as required.

  • $14 million over four years to establish the Royal Commission’s recommended fund commencing in 2026 and reaching full scale from 2029.

    This investment will include partnering with Aboriginal communities on a co-design process starting in 2024-25 to increase the benefits Aboriginal children receive from existing 3‑year‑old preschool, investing in early childhood education and care Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and aligning Closing the Gap initiatives with outcomes for early childhood.

  • $10.8 million over four years to expand early childhood parenting groups through the Child and Family Health Service from 2025-26, deliver ongoing funding for Words Grow Minds to support families with their child’s development, develop referral pathways to ensure children at risk of child protection are connected with early childhood services, and provide expert advice and resources to support the inclusion of children with additional needs and developmental vulnerabilities.